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An odd title for a serious subject.

Back in January of 2020, I read about six people dying in Wuhan from a virus, and began posting online about a coming pandemic. By March, I was locked down, except for an emergency visit to the dentist. No stranger to enjoying my own company, I had very limited contact with people, and soon discovered the wonders of delivered groceries through Instacart and household items through Amazon. That went on until Spring of 2021, and continues to this day.

Without going into all the losses COVID-19 brought, including the death of my sister from possible complications, and despite the awful political handling of the virus in the first place during the Trump reign (never put Mike Pence in charge of anyone’s health during an epidemic). At the time, the CDC was trying to entice Americans to get vaccinated with their call to not have to wear masks in public if vaccinated. We know where that bungling ended with unvaxxed, unmasked people coming out in droves. Welcome to Delta.

Delta did its thing and just as Omicron was about to rear its head, I began to wonder why there was nothing being done to catch the virus where it lodges, in the nose. Then I read a couple of NIH studies on Xlear nasal spray. I have used this product for years, it rid me of chronic sinusitis over a decade ago. So, while I’m not a medical doctor, I have been advising the use of Xlear for friends concerned about the coronavirus. Xlear has grapeseed oil and xylitol. And it attacks the virus where it seeks to root: in the nose. Non-addictive and for the most part, helpful, so there it is. Just putting this out there.


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