WIPs are Works In Progress. I’m working on a few cool ideas and sharing some of them here.
In The Image is a book that looks at the concept of Creator, from God as Creator, through to humans as creators. I’m excited about this forthcoming text because it’s rich in insight and, I believe, wisdom. Stay tuned.
Zumbrellas are forthcoming umbrella ideas, and production hopefully, predicated on my previous umbrellas that were sold over the past few years by Galleria, who bought the image rights through my aSTi moniker. Below are two examples. While they were discontinued in 2015, these umbrellas are still available online. I’m looking to expand this line apart from Galleria, having thousands of unique, original fractal prints of mine at hand that extend the beauty that these initial umbrellas provided, as Zumbrellas.

aSTi is my product label and stands for another Steve Thompson idea. You can find it used for my syntaxicon book also, so check out the blog post for syntaxicon. Stay tuned for WIP updates.
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